We are here to Listen Support Advocate
Our mission is to advocate for victims of crime in the Southwestern Judicial Circuit, identifying and recommending resources, providing direct services and providing public education in order to facilitate a nurturing, healthy, and safe community.
Serving Lee, Macon, Schley, Stewart, Sumter, Webster Counties
Call 229-331-0315
Legal Advocacy
Protective orders are an integral part of freeing yourself from a dangerous situation. Our advocates guide you through the process. Our attorney provides representation during these critical events at no cost to you.
Victims of violence require support in many ways outside of the courtroom. We provide referral and support services to clients to help them remedy the many barriers to escaping dangerous situations.
Knowledge is power. We believe education is the key to ending family violence. We are always willing to provide presentations concerning family violence prevention and services.
Community Engagement
Family violence is a community problem that requires a community solution. We strive to bring all community resources and partners together to most effectively use our existing resources.
Adult Victims Task Force
We are in the process of developing a circuit-wide Coordinated Community Response (CCR) Team to address ad identify issues of domestic violence and/or sexual assault in our circuit. This is a multidisciplinary team of professionals and citizens who gather regularly to examine the response of our community systems to victims and offenders of these crimes.
Sumter County AVTF started in January 2018 with representation from over 15 community agencies meeting quarterly to ensure collaborative and educated response to aid adult victims in our communities.
Volunteer Opportunities
Every volunteer has a special skill and we look forward to using your strengths to help strengthen our community members in need. Here are some ways we could use your help:
Client Emotional Support: Online support group, Handling Crisis Calls and follow up calls, aid in developing coaching/ mentoring programs
Legal Services: Temporary Protective Order (TPO) advocacy and hearing preparation
Client Benefits Support: Resource gathering and referral, Job skills and educational support
Community Outreach: College Campus presence, Adult Victims Task Force, Training and introductions to faith based, civic and other community entities
DON’T Mind Your Own Business
We all live in this community together and we all know who needs help. Abuse can happen to people of all ages, races, genders and income levels. If you are a survivor of physical, emotional or financial abuse, reach out. We can help you get back on track. You can help others get out.
If you are currently experiencing abuse, reach out.
If you know someone who needs help, reach out to them, reach out to us.
The health and welfare of our community members is all of our business.
Some Facts about our agency
We Are Accepting New Volunteers.
“We rely heavily on community involvement to identify those in our community that need help, support our clients and get the word out. Please contact us if you would like to join us in our mission to build stronger families and communities.”
If you would like to make a financial contribution, please click here.
- PO Box 702, Americus, GA 31709
- 229-331-0315
- eva@sowegavictims.org